Fr. Gerard Tyralla Langer
Father Gerard Tyralla Langer is a diocesan priest born and ordained in 1991 in Poland. He belongs to the Diocese of Opole. Since 1993, Fr. Gerard has been working in the Peruvian Amazon serving as a missionary and building new church in San Pablo de Loreto (The Amazon River) as a vote of gratitude for two millenniums of Christ's presence among us. The construction of the church could only have been done thanks to the generous economic support granted by different Catholic organizations in Germany, several parishes in Silesia (his homeland in Poland) and countless volunteer benefactors, including participation of his own parishioners in the jungle. The church was consecrated in December 2000 and Fr. Gerard thus finished his first missionary period in the Amazon. Since September 2002, Fr. Gerard has worked in different area in the jungle region of central Peru called Oxapampa. It is an area of mountains and tropical forests. The climate is humid and hot all during the year and it is also rainy from January to March. Organizationally it belongs to the Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramon. The first 12 years he spent in the Palcazu Valley putting basis for a new parish of Iscozacin and organizing pastoral work in the valley with 75 smaller or bigger communities. In July 2015 F. Gerard has been transferred to Quillazu, the most ancient catholic mission f the vicariate. His new and big challenge now, beside of visiting local communities, is a construction of the new retreat center. Fr. Gerard thanks to every person for taking his time to search over this web page and to know one more face of the Catholic Church. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your prayers for the missions and for all those people who work in the vineyard of the Lord. In the future the web site should be enriched by new pictures showing the life of the new challenge: mission Quillazu.